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Rev. Dr. Sr. Ruby Alangara Mary, M.A., M.Ed., Ph.D.

Stella Matutina College of Education recognizes the need to prepare future educators for a rapidly changing classroom environment. New teachers can expect to enter classrooms that are becoming more culturally diverse, with students who not only acquire a strong foundation in one academic subjects, but also the knowledge, skills and viewpoints necessary to interact successfully across a variety of cultural groups, as well as grapple with issues and problems, those are more complex than even before, that cross local, national, international boundaries and whose ramifications are far reaching.

The college adopts a curriculum which emphasizes global and international views in order to face the challenge of preparing future educators for personal and professional success in the global context of the twenty-first century. Students receive individualized mentoring from faculty members, teachers and administrators whose educational experience and knowledge provide opportunities to engage in seminars, research projects and other activities. In both elementary and secondary schools, student teachers are prepared to teach their students with global competency to prepare them for global citizenship in all academic areas.

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